National Anti-Corruption Awardee
Ted spearheaded election integrity, drafting and passing into law the nation’s first risk-limiting audits of elections. As Congress resumed its session following the failed 6 Jan 21 insurrection, Democratic Senators defended the Arizona Presidential election results, pointing out that this hand-count audit law helped verify the integrity of the Arizona 2020 Presidential vote. Ted was awarded one of two national Anti-Corruption Awards for his work attempts to reduce hyper-partisanship in federal and state elections. Ted wrote the initial draft of the Arizona Top 2 Primary (Open Elections/Open Government) Initiative. Dark money from the Koch brothers defeated the Initiative at the ballot box, but its embers smolder. Both actions highlight Ted’s approach to political change. Sustainable reforms must be institutionalized – in law, policies, and regulations.
The award was made by the New York Independent Parties.
Enjoy Downing 26 Oct 12 OpEd
Ted and his associates continue seeking ways to change how those who govern will better represent us.