Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards Dilution – Evidence
The 30 July 2014 proposed new policy on involuntary resettlement (IR) dilutes decades of knowledge and experience with a policy, creating a much weaker policy that will increased development-induced impoverishment. The International Network on Displacement and Resettlement specialists, especially assisted by talented professionals from Inclusive Development, have compared the proposed new policy to the existing Bank operational policy (OP 4.12 and its Annex A) on key dimensions of the involuntary resettlement process. This comparison proves the proposed change eviscerates current policy, removing the protections afforded those who just happen to be in the way of Bank financed projects. The result is increased risks of project induced, new poverty – an outcome alien to the Bank’s Articles of Agreement and poverty reduction prime objective.
Theodore E. Downing, President INDR
Policy Objectives Removed
Example 2
Example 3
Original Matrix (pdf)